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Native Plants Conservation in Qin Mountain is On the Way

After three-day discussion, 17 experts from scientific institutions and universities, proficient in field survey, finally listed the endangered status of the native plants in Shannxi Province, especially in Qin Moutains. 

The Qin Mountains, as a major east-west mountain range in southern Shaanxi Province, China, are of importance for Chinese biologists. Just because its special geographic location, a natural watershed of North and South China, it provides a natural boundary that forms an important habitant of a huge variety of plant and wildlife, some of which is found even nowhere else on earth.

Therefore, it has become an urgent work for CUBG to try its best to make clear and survive those native plants. During the second phase of Full-Coverage Conservation Plan for Native Plant in China, Qin Mountain area has been added, and Qinling National Botanical Garden will push forward the specific tasks.

It has initially ensured after this rapid assessment that there are 4958 native plants species in Shannxi Province, among which 36 are critically endangered, 107 are endangered, 150 are vulnerable, 451 are near threatened species, and 261 species are deficient in data.

Then they will start field survey to inspect every species in the status list, and make clear of their factual status one by one, and the species in data deficiency (Level 6) will become the key objects in particular. A series conservation tools, such as in-situ and ex-situ conservation, environment education among the communities around, will be used to protect those species in higher levels of the endangered status.