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2017 XTBG Marathon: Run into Tropical Forest

It is Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden’s premier running event, offering athletes an unmatchable running experience in the tropical forest.[...]

 2017-09-07 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

Water lily exhibition offers oasis of calm in Chenshan

The 2017 Chenshan Water Lily Exhibition opened in Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden on Aug 18.[...]

 2017-09-06 -  - Read More »

In Pics: Rain Refreshes the Relics Botanic Garden in Luoyang

Sui & Tang Dynasties Relics Botanic Garden revived after the rain on September 3. The garden glowed brilliantly in the clean air. The citizens walked and played there to enjoy the serenity[...]

 2017-09-05 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

DIY Handcrafts: Best Gifts for Teacher’s Day

  Imagine that those normal pieces of paper change into vivid dancing butterflies or immortal flow[...]

 2017-09-04 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

Firmiana major, rediscovered after disappearing 20 years

Firmiana major,which was listed as extinct in the wild for almost 20 years, recently has been found in Jinsha River Basin of Yunnan Province. This project has gained funding by CUBG on the Full-Coverage Conservation of Native Plants in China.[...]

 2017-08-31 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

Native Plant Investigation and Conservation Continues in Eastern China

On the base of the last three-year field work, Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen (NBG) will further push forward the full conservation of the native plants in East China.[...]

 2017-08-30 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

CUBG Environmental Education Training Course 2017 completed

The two-week-long environmental education training course 2017 of the Chinese Union of Botanical Gardens (CUBG) came to a successful end on August 19, which is marked by 11 interesting oral presentations by trainees.[...]

 2017-08-28 - Ai Chongrui - Read More »