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CUBG Secretariat arranges work for 2017

  CUBG Secretariat held its yearly work meeting on February 13. The meeting provided a detailed ar[...]

 2017-02-20 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

Magnolia flowers in bloom in South China Botanical Garden

With the arrival of February, Magnolia are in full bloom. South China Botanical Garden has been awash with floral reds, whites, yellows and purples.

 2017-02-16 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

Parakmeria omeiensis Cheng Attracts the Media

  A documentary about Parakmeria omeiensis Cheng, telecast recently on CCTV 10, has aroused public[...]

 2017-02-15 - Jiao Yang - Read More »

CUBG contributes to development of botanical gardens nationwide

On November 17, the Chinese Union of Botanical Gardens (CUBG) organized a meeting to check the imple[...]

 2016-12-02 - Ai Chongrui - Read More »

Botanical garden forms inspiration for art display

Traditional Chinese flower-and-bird painting by Zhu Yan is among the pieces on show at the exhibitio[...]

 2016-11-01 -  Lin Qi | China Daily - Read More »

The First Luosuo River Education Forum opens

  The First Luosuo River Education Forum opened at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG)[...]

 2016-09-07 - Ai Chongrui - Read More »

Turpan gathered educators to discuss how to plan and design interpretation system

Environmental educators and experts in botanical gardens gathered in Turpan from 5 to 8 this month to discuss together how to plan and design interpretation system.[...]

 2016-05-24 - Jiao Yang - Read More »